Philippines and Indonesia 2024

Philippines, Thailand and Singapore 2023-2024

South Pacific 2022

Philippines 2019
Visiting Malolos, Manaoag and Hundred Islands

Japan and Singapore 2018

Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Singapore 2016-2017

Philippines 2016

Philippines 2015
Tom and Mary Ann's wedding

Philippines and Singapore 2014

Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines
Christmas and New Year 2011/2012

Darwin and Litchfield National Park
A weekend in Australia, July 1st to July 4th 2010

Darwin and Litchfield National Park (abridged)
A weekend in Australia, July 1st to July 4th 2010

Malolos, Philippines, June 2010
Saying farewell for now

Malaysia and Thailand - Christmas 2009

Australia 2009
A trip with Aaron, John, Gliza and Ben

Australia 2008

China and Tibet 2006

Australia 2004